Water quality and ecological projects in the Sunrise River WMO are shown on Project Dashboards of the Anoka Conservation District (It includes constructed projects in our watershed, but does not include other activities such as water monitoring, studies, outreach/education, etc. The list below contains some efforts not displayed on the dashboard.)
2020-2023 Sunrise River Chain of Lakes Carp
2017-2019 Martin and Typo Lakes Carp Management
2015-2017 Ditch 20 Wetland Restoration Feasibility Study
2012 Martin and Typo Lakes Impaired Waters Study
2011 Martin Lake Stormwater Retrofit Assessment
2009 Anoka County Geologic Atlas Study
2008 Booklet "Outdoors in Anoka County"
2007 Eurasian Watermilfoil Signage
News Articles
2022 Forest Lake Times Article - Martin Lake Association Eyes Delisting from Impaired Water's List