Cost Share Grants for Water Quality Projects

The SRWMO offers assistance to private individuals or groups for projects that will have public benefits to water resources. Currently, a cost share grant program is available.

Eligible Project Types

    • Projects reducing pollutants to SRWMO waters.  Examples include stormwater basins and rain gardens. 
    • Projects enhancing aquatic habitat or habitat at the water’s edge. An example is a vegetated buffer.
    • Projects conserving groundwater.  An example is “smart” irrigation controllers.
    • Projects educating the public in ways that create behavioral changes that will reduce pollutants or enhance aquatic habitat.

Excluded Project Types

      • Projects required by a permit or law.
      • Projects required to correct illegal activity.


      1. Projects benefitting SRWMO recreational waterbodies with public access including:
        1. Lakes: Coon, Linwood, Island, Martin, and Typo.
        2. Streams: West Branch Sunrise River, South Branch Sunrise River, Data Creek/County Ditch 20.
        3. Waters directly draining to the above waterbodies.
      2. Projects benefitting SRWMO waterbodies without public access.
      3. Projects benefitting groundwater.
      4. Other waterbodies.

Grant Amounts
SRWMO funds may pay for up to 75% of project costs, except practices that primarily treat water from other properties may be funded 95%.  The amount of the grant shall be determined considering natural resource benefits and cost effectiveness by the Anoka Conservation District

Non-SRWMO funds may come from any other source, but highest preference is given to projects where the grant recipient is contributing cash or in-kind labor. 

Ownership and Maintenance
Grant recipient must assume operations and maintenance responsibilities for the life of the project.

Application and Approvals Process
SRWMO grant funds are part of the Anoka Conservation District’s Cost Share Grant program.  Anyone interested in applying should apply for the ACD’s grant program.  SRWMO funds are only used in the SRWMO area and only for project types listed above.  Grant applications are considered on a monthly basis. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their project and the availability of funds with the Anoka Conservation District staff person listed below before putting work into a grant application.

Contact for Questions:
Jamie Schurbon, Watershed Projects Manager
763-434-2030 ext. 210
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1318 McKay Drive NE suite 300
Ham Lake, MN 55304

Resources for additional information:
Lakeshore landscaping brochure
Blue Thumb website, including plant selector tool